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Blockhouse Consulting Services

What we do

We can talk about this stuff as much as we like, but unless we can change what you do or how you do it, then we are wasting our breath.


Our goal is to work with clients to build their capabilities to deliver new value. The projects are unique to each client, but there are broadly four types of engagement. These can follow in the roughly logical sequence laid out below, or we can go straight to a solution for a specific problem.

Exploration and foundation

The "step zero" in this work tends to be to build an understanding of the origins of blockchains, how they have developed, and how the regulations have followed.


This is not always the first thing we do chronologically with any given client, but there is almost always an element of this, as individuals and teams want to dig into the geneology of some of these ideas. The nature of a transformative technology is that it forces you to revisit the assumptions that you might not realise you had been making, breaking down the pieces that make up familiar industries so that we can rebuild parts of them with new technology. If you think of how the internet changed the way that many businesses operate, then you will begin to see how this might work.

Contextual analysis

This is the typical first step in strategy work: understanding where we are now, locating the organisation in the context of a changing landscape.


From a blockchain and tokenisation perspective it means looking at your peers locally and globally to get a feel for the direction that things are moving in. There are clues to the future in what is already happening in larger businesses, in progressive jurisdictions, and even in the jungle of crypto and decentralised finance. This stage can include deep dive analysis into particular topics, and scenario analysis exercises. The latter can be a great way of learning by thinking - "what would have to be true for this version of the future to play out?". At the end of this stage, there should be a well articulated agreement on what the key issues are, and what assumptions that consensus is built on. These are the facts: when they change, we change our minds, but for now, we move forward.

Strategy development

With a clear understanding of where we are, the next step is to make some decisions.


The key is often to find a new way of thinking about the challenges and opportunities, building strategic frameworks that support decision making. It has become a cliche that strategy is about choices, but it's only a cliche because it's true. There may be several options that are all reasonable on their face; the essence of strategy is selecting those that fit together to provide unique advantage in your unique situation. In thinking about blockchains, the broader topics of web3 tend to be relevant as well, including AI, IoT, metaverse and extended reality.

Delivering innovation

The final step is to build new capabilities, products, services or businesses to deliver on the organisation's strategy.


You can't change things in the world without changing the things you do. We will define business cases for this work, design PoCs and MVPs, and support the innovation. This is typically when we would look to involve other players in the ecosystem to build the technology and provide specialist advice, e.g. on legal or accounting issues. We can support the delivery of the new capabilities as required, but we recommend that your business units get involved as much as possible. We find that the more the business takes ownership, the more likely these changes are to stick for the long term.

Blockhouse Ltd. All rights reserved

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