Managing complexity, focusing on disruption from tokenisation & digital assets
Blockhouse is a consulting business that combines long experience in strategy and innovation with a deep understanding of blockchains and their impact.

We are a trusted partner for large companies as they work with difficult problems and innovation, especially around blockchains.
We understand the consulting needs and innovation approaches of large organisations, and we are helping these businesses to create coherent approaches to blockchain, tokenisation, web3 and digital assets.


Exploration and foundation
The "step zero" in this work tends to be to build an understanding of the origins of blockchains, how they have developed, and how the regulations have followed.

Strategy development
With a clear understanding of where we are, the next step is to make some decisions.

Contextual analysis
This is the typical first step in strategy work: understanding where we are now, locating the organisation in the context of a changing landscape.

Delivering innovation
The final step is to build new capabilities, products, services or businesses to deliver on the organisation's strategy.
Blockchains are the next iteration of computing, the internet, and financial services infrastructure. As such, they are going to play a huge role in online life - which is an increasing part of our lives - over the next few years. The tokenisation of money now looks inevitable, with other financial assets close behind, and potentially anything of value to follow that. The impacts of this process will be felt first in financial services, and will spread outwards from there.
We want to help our clients to build new products and services on the foundations of a clear understanding of the application of this technology to their business context.
The founder, Paul Mitchell, has nearly 30 years consulting experience, and has been focused on blockchains since 2017, having founded the blockchain capability at PwC South Africa, and served as head of consulting at Block Markets Africa.
He has innovated with large organisations from many angles: building new businesses from inside, working in a consulting role to do the same, helping corporates and startups to partner, designing innovation capabilities for large organisations, and more.